the answer to this math problem is: a thing is greater than fantastic when it is on SALE. more precisely, a high quality item. that's sort of a given, but it is always good to remind one's self.
with this in mind - i highly suggest a visit to the
Hanro Sample Sale. it's not a stretch to suggest that this stuff might just change your mind about how things should feel on your bod. it's also not a stretch to say that i am a wee bit obsessed with how soft and snuggly and luxurious it feels - so whether you're lounging around at home or wearing it underneath as you go about you daily bizz, you feel kind of loved by fabric. i could go on and on, but i'll just get to the point. go get yourself some soft silky lovelies. items on sale include undergarments, loungewear, sleepwear and robes for men and women. (cash and credit cards accepted)
wednesday, december 8th 8am to 6pm at their new showroom - 358 5th avenue - 6th floor, NYC
see you there!! i'll be the one hidden under a mountain of items...