first and foremost - terribly sorry about the delay in posting on this! hopefully you all read my ponderings and musings on twitter and tumblr, as i was much more connected on those during the "up at 5am to watch a wedding" time frame!!! (and in all honesty - plugged in more to them in general recently...) ok - now that the apols are out of the way let's get right to it, shall we?
any one who knows me AT ALL in any way knows just how rare it is that i will rouse myself from bed at 5 am. i do not take to morning very kindly. also, though i am British to the very core of me, i didn't really get all too caught up in the pre-wedding fervor. of course i was excited and couldn't wait to see all the pomp and circumstance that my people do so well, i was just not interested in the pre-game. BUT come friday morning, april 29, i was up and ready. coffees at the ready, my sister-in-law and i sat on the couch GLUED to the telly. (ps thank you for waking me so gently H). from moment one of glimpsing Wills and Harry drive out in their car, i was swimming in it. this is truly the thing of fairy tales. every last detail was perfect. Catherine choosing to wear Alexander McQueen was spot on perfect. the dress, designed by Sarah Burton (who shares a name with my niece) was one of the most beautiful things i have ever seen. not many of us girls have the option to have our "something borrowed" be a vintage Cartier tiara from our mum-in-law, Her Majesty the Queen. but if one can, one should, i say. Wills was stunning in his Irish Guard uniform, every inch the dashing Prince. maid of honor Pippa and best man Harry stood their own ground, which was not an easy task, considering. Pippa's dress also falls squarely into the category of "one of the most beautiful things i've ever seen" and was also from McQueen. (huzzah to you Middleton girls!) she looked drop dead amazing. the whole thing was just glorious and beautiful. there are too many moments to detail each one, but the moment that started the tear drops really coming for me was when William first got to see his bride, his wife, his Princess, his Queen, and he mouthed the words "you look beautiful". that took this huge spectacle, as beautiful and full of history past and future as it was, and scaled it all back to what it is truly about. a man and woman who love each other, made a vow, and will now spend their lives together. i love England, i love things royal, i love the history and the pomp, but most of all i love love. may you live happily ever after Prince William and Princess Catherine.
While watching the wedding I just fell in love with Harry