Wednesday, October 20, 2010

jacket up!

i hate being cold.  HATE it.  so i love anything that offers me warmth when it gets that way.  socks, the perfect down coat, cashmere hats and scarves, leather gloves and silk long underwear.  those are the necessities to get through NYC winter.  fireplace would be great, but we can't.  c'est la vie...  then there are the dress-essities, which is where you get to play a bit, which is what i love so much.  i've always been a cardigan girl, and that will probably never fully change - but i am easing into being a jacket girl as well.  slowly amassing a small collection - pieces i love...  and these three new jackets from Winter Kate (in various states of perfect slouch and structure that are JUST RIGHT for yours truly) are LOVERS.   every 5 minutes i change my mind as to which one i love the most, so it's making it a bit difficult to make any sort of decision if i am going to buy... unless of course i would buy them all...sigh.   not the wisest choice, so back to thinking...

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