Monday, December 6, 2010

cold weather inspiration...

courtesy of Sienna Miller - how to look cute even when it is terribly, horribly cold outside. 

let's just say that winter is NOT my favorite season.  more than any other feeling, i hate feeling cold.  on the flip side, i don't feel particularly stylish in a coat that looks like a sleeping bag and Ugg boots.  granted there are days where that is literally the ONLY thing that can get you from point a to point b without frostbite, but let's hope those days can be counted on one hand.  i am waging a battle upon the cold this year - and am taking heart in the site of the ever adorable Sienna Miller looking perfectly fabulous, bundled up and cozy.   ya heart that cold weather?  i'm on to you and your tricks!!  i'm going to look GOOD this winter. 

(ps  -  if you're needing some inspiration for a great faux fur jacket - try shopstyle or hire the-e-stylist!)

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