first things first. i will not post pictures of "gaga". i hereby state that i fully understand that the purpose of art, along with self expression, is to evoke an emotional response from the viewer. as an artist, i know that on every level of myself. ok. so you're an artist. that's nice. however, i also know that each response is personal, and i simply do not give a rat's anus about art for the sake of "shock". i could not possibly care less. i don't care about Damian Hirst, and i don't care about lady gaga. i don't give a crap.
that said, let's talk about some other people at the AMA's last night, shall we? overall i was a bit underwhelmed at the style. everything just sort of blurred into one big puddle of same-ness. Mary Kate Olsen once said that she didn't care if she looked crazy in what she wore, she just didn't want to look like everyone else. and last night everyone looked like everyone else. STEP IT UP PEOPLE. express yourself for goodness sake. even the stage outfits - BOOOOORING.
Adam Lambert - we know by now. you're so flamboyant. goodie for you. pardon me while i pass out with boredom. all of you ladies with short short dresses? oooh - shocking. i've not seen that 45,000 other times. for god's sake people - are you so tired you can't even try?????
exception? gorgeous miss RiRi here. ok,ok, we all know i'm a bit obsessed with her. but honestly - at least the girl gives half a crap about being an individual. clearly this is not a street outfit. but i kind of can't stop looking at it. i might have skipped the studded shoulder pads, but other than that, it's hot. she looks friggin HOT.
mizz Kate Hudson. i recently caught part of "almost famous" on tv. one of my favorite movies of all time - acting that literally tears my heart up - costuming to die for - and KATE HUDSON. i fell so completely and utterly in love with this girl watching her - she is luminous. and she is, in life, my kind of girl style wise. she's a luxe hippie rock and roll chick. SHE can rock this look that makes everyone else look like they're wearing mommy's dress. she lights it up from the inside out. be the clothes, don't just wear the clothes. that is the only way you make style work for you.
mister JayZ. tuxedo tuxedo tuxedo. blah blah blah. but wait! here comes a man who is rockin it right. there is nothing earth shattering about this suit - but this man owns the friggin room when he walks into it wearing this. kudos sir. kudos to you.
and lastly - this one's really just for you ladies to look at. Alex Rodriguez. you know what he's wearing? confidence. and it is HOT.
as Forrest Gump would say "i guess that's about all i have to say about that"
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