an old friend of mine, from the days of yore is a lover of the blog. which makes me happy. he currently works at Hanro, and wondered what i thought of their delicious wares, as i seem to have no shortage of opinion. or words to express. to be perfectly honest, i had to admit to him i had never tried any of their stuff, although i am very familiar with the name, as it's a brand sold in Saks and Neimans, where i do seem to find myself on a rather regular basis. so he sent me some items to check out - and uh.... i know i have a bit of an addictive personality, but uh... OH MY GOD. i am so completely hooked on the Touch Feeling undershirt, that i seriously think i have to go and buy one for every day of the week. (possibly a couple extra because laundry is not my strongest task) i swear to God and all things holy that this t-shirt is made of magic. it is too soft to be made by humans. also magic? the fact that it is fitted to my body like a glove, does not show one single bit of the parts that are not firmed up by crunches, and does not squeeze me to lack of breath like any "shapewear" item might. (i once almost passed out from one of those "shaping" things, but that's another story for another day) when it's flingin flangin freezing in NYC, i often wish i had a head to toe suit made of Uggs material. now, i wish that for every season i had a head to toe suit made of Touch Feeling t-shirt material.
if i can tear myself away for one second... the Taitu nightgown is also amazing. sexy, but not o.t.t., and will probs be an adorable little sundress for the beach. loves it. usually i get wildly twisted about in sleep things, but this is comfy and pretty. how is there anything wrong with that?
this uncharted Hanro territory was a happy happy trail indeed. now if i can figure out my head to toe Touch Feeling suit - the world will be a complete place, and i can go on to cure the flu.
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