first let me tell you how i've missed you my stylies. i am UNDER it with a flu that i hope is not swine. it's a doozer - of the "i can barely mentally function" variety. but i'm actually able to sit upright today so i am BACK bitches.
while on my back, i was able to read. and one of the things i read is that Alexander Wang's spring collection is now avails. of course this excited me, because as you know, i love me some Wang. pardon any entendre there, dirty birds!! clickity clack - i cruise the interwebs... and i came to the realization that my reaction to Alexander's things tends to fall into two categories. one: WOW that is amazing and gorge. two: i never knew i needed that until i saw it, and now i cannot live without it. i'm assuming that reaction number two is what makes him a super genius. the perfect example - i was blisteringly unaware that i MUST have an army green bag. now that i know - it's all i can think about.
there are apporoximately 8 bags that fell into category 2, and pretty much every single piece from the T line. and 3 dresses from the main line... and a couple of skirts... oy vey. it is probably a very good thing that i am under the weather and not able to go to Barneys and abuse my credit card at the moment.
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