Wednesday, September 29, 2010

existential style musing

ay yay yay. MENTAL morning darlings. i am heading to Sicily on Friday with the bf's entire family for a 10 day long extravaganza celeb of Pop's birthday. will be delightful. what is NOT delightful for me is packing. i can organize my closet to within an inch of its life, so one would think i'd be able to manage packing. the physical part - yes. mentally? my Everest. i packed all the clothing yesterday. quite easy, and quite successful. (a bit of Missoni, Pucci scarf, you know, to honor the land). today's task: the shoes. i had a major anxiety attack followed by a complete existential crisis. shoes were packed. then unpacked. agonized over. tried on (problem is they all look good - obvi - i did buy them), outfits mentally crafted. no matter how i sliced it there were too many pair to be "normal" and the absurdity of it all began to make me spin. UNTIL i came to the peaceful landing spot of realizing that if i only pack ONE pair of heels (Louboutin ankle booties) for evenings - then i can actually fit in quite a nice load of flats - which are infinitely more useful for walking 'round sightseeing, eating and shopping.
i suddenly felt like myself again. the problem was not too MANY shoes it was merely the wrong pairs. order is restored to my world once more, and i even managed to pack the jewelry with no further tizzies. "may the shoes be with you".

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