Sunday, March 28, 2010


on a sunday afternoon...

i am off downtown today to TopMan to style the groom for his upcoming nuptials to one of my besties.  he is pretty much the quintessential mod - so it's pure perfection in the glorious land of TopShop.  keeps him within budget AND looking like the missing Beatle.  (but with modern hair.  i say this because i feel he would want me to mention it.) i'm leaning toward this suit - although there is one called "steel blue skinny" that sounds so much like a Zoolander face that i will most likely force him to try it on just for a giggle... 

i know i have gone on about the glory of TopShop -- (and it's a pretty sure bet that i'll pop upstairs for a lookie after i've done with him) but it really bears mentioning that it's a goldmine for the men as well.
if you're ever in NYC or London - GO.  no ifs ands or buts.  just go.  and if you're not in one of those places - well, my dears, as luck would have it the world wide web can take you there!  oh modern life. you are so handy.

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