ok, so it took me 2 cups to even get to the point of writing. but i have been thinking. in fact, since i saw this jacket in
Barney's, i have not stopped thinking. i know that i have been on a bit of a leather kick, and indeed a leather jacket kick. this one however, knocked my little socks off. one of my favorite things in life is a cardi. it equals comfort plus warmth. my recent fave cardis are of the wrap-y and drapey variety. you can tie them, belt them, let 'em hang. sky is the limit with those things. but i digress... i was wandering
Barney's co-op floor - aimlessly. i had purchased boots so now i was just looking at pretty things. and BAZINGA - this popped up in front of me. a wrap-y drape-y
cardigan style leather jacket that PRPS seems to have made just for me. for the love of mike... i am using much willpower not to purchase... i try to distract myself with shiny objects to stop thinking of it... sigh. perhaps the sale gods will be on my side and suddenly there will be a massive reduction and there will be no reason that i should not immediately run out and incorporate this jacket into my daily existence... and in case Barney's is out of them (they only have it in store - not on their site) my resourceful side has located it at ShopBop as well. you know, just in case...
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