once upon a time i sat in a pub at Poole quay with my aunt. we were waiting for my uncle to do some sort of errands or something boring, and so we drank a few pints of hard cider. and got rather saucy. it's a major port, so when we stepped out of the dimly lit pub into the bright sunlight, there were loads of boats and upon them loads of sailors. one of said sailors, of the French variety, passed us and said lasciviously "bonjour madamoiselle". he was friendly looking, and also sporting the good ol' tried and true French matelot striped shirt, so it made me giggle. all just standard fare in the quayside pub afternoon way of things...
i have now a fixation on strip-ed tops. i suppose i like them because they remind me of France. every time i see a striped jumper i think "ooh i love that" and then i have to remind myself of how many of these items i own. some of the time, that stops me. this time, it will not. because i DO NOT have this little delight. when i was flipping through the new JCrew catalog, i actually said "OOOH!" out loud. (to just myself. and the catalog) you see, not only is this a lovely strip-ed item, it also has this ridiculously cute button detail on the sleeves. and the back! it actually makes me a little giddy, which i realize is rather ridiculous, so for today i blame it on the flu that i am currently enjoying.
i fully plan on owning this little lover, and i will prance proudly through the streets, and on occasion, just for old time's sake, i'll say to myself, or some passer by, "bonjour! mademoiselle!"
i love when things remind me of an experience and it becomes a must-have to bring it all back to the senses!