now i'm as amazed as the next person at the power the interwebs has taken on - with Twitter and Facebook and blogging - it's a bit mind boggling really, the instatn reach and access we all have. does that make us bad? no - just riding the new wave. it's bizarre and fascinating -- and wildly fun.
change can be good Anna. and NO ONE wants Vogue to go away. anyone worth half their Manolo or a quarter of their Louboutin adores Vogue. it's the bible for us fashion-y types. we bow to it. so perhaps you need to get over it a teeny bit. ask your daughter - she'll tell you that the blogs can be really fun. and then you can untwist your LaPerla's and get back to what you're great at - creating our monthly go-to for the love of all things fashion.

-- Blogging on the road
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