after the joyful pleasure of dealing with the Time Warner store downtown, some strange cosmic shift happened and my bf said "do you want to go shopping or something?". carpe shopping my dears. and so i did. we toodled over to Anthropologie - because where better to look at lovely things so soon after xmas without dealing with too huge a hoard.
as we wandered through their winter wonderland, i was doing my regular routine - get in the zone and cruise the whole thing. after awhile, my bf giggled. i asked him what was funny and he said "women - you just love to shop for anything". true i said. a couple of racks over, he giggled again. i asked again and he said "why do you all touch everything? even if you don't look at it fully, you walk by and touch it." i realized this was completely true, of me at least. i love to touch the stuff. i enjoy the online shopping as much as the next gal... but touch can grab me. this red silk dress? pulls me in like a magnet. cashmere blend beret? super magnet. some things i touch can repel me, if they seem too rough, scratchy, odd...
so it became clear to me as i inhaled deeply while fondling these soaps... that shopping is magnified a thousandfold when you make it full on sensory experience. who knew it could possibly get better? but it just did.
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