the ever quotable madame coco chanel once said of perfume "It is the unseen, unforgettable, ultimate accessory of fashion that heralds your arrival & prolongs your departure." and i could not possibly agree more. since my very first foray into perfume (Lauren by Ralph Lauren in high school. loved it beyond all possible measure) i have been hooked. i adore having my own scent. i love that perfume smells different on everyone - it is the ultimate in unique accessorizing. i've run through exactly 5 scents in my lifetime - and have landed on the keeper. Coco Mademoiselle. it's a recent addition to the Chanel "library" of perfumes - a sort of twist on Coco (which was my previous scent). i am obsessed with the way it smells. and every person i come in contact with tells me i smell good, that they associate the smell with me, scent related compliments that make me oddly happy. if i go a day without my perfume - i feel weird and naked. it's worse than forgetting my jewelry. i actually do not feel like myself without it.
it is WELL worth a little investigation into your signature scent. things can go horribly wrong with trying, some perfumes make me feel dizzy or sick to my stomach, or give me a headache. so try before you buy - always give them a test run - on your wrist - NOT your neck. (too close to the nose!!) but once you find it - the reward is supremely satisfying.
when in doubt, just ask Mizz Chanel! she always knows what to say.
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