that's how they should spell it.
to me, there are a few key elements when it comes to a spa experience. obvi - the service. are you getting a good service? be it massage, facial, mani, pedi... that one's a given. next, the waiting room. or quiet room as it may be called. this can make or break the whole deal for me. and last but not at ALL least - is there a steam room?
my bf and i ran away for a little mini-break this past weekend. to atlantic city. it was a bit hilarious in the people watching. we felt like we were guests on a reality show. featuring slutty girls from the real world, or bad girls club. (NOT rock of love - those hoochies are far more entertaining thank you very much) every girl we saw was drunk as a lord teetering in high heels and wearing dresses which i'm sure they believed made them look sexy, but actually made them look like they had stopped at the 24 hour hooker store on their way down to ac. in our room, i overheard a screaming fight starring "joe" and 2 drunk girls, one of whom said joe was a liar, the other said joe was embarrassing them all. (she said that approximately 34 times. i stopped counting because it was 4 am and i was tired) ANYHOO - aside from the people watching - we had a little spa adventure at the Blue Mercury Spa. it was perfect - there was a crazy ass blizzard outside, and it was dead quiet inside the spa.
cut to the locker room -- undressed and robed, i suss out the situation - and yes indeed - steam room. score!! walk through the door marked "quiet past this point" and boom - quiet room with tons of white chaise longes, with black blankets folded at the end. tea, water, fruit, perfect. we relax for a little while, and our ladies come to bring us to the couples massage room. undress, lie on table - MELT. heated table, covered by a lovely warm blanket. i honestly could have just lay there all day, never mind even getting massaged. but the massage was indeed very very nice and relaxing. after it was over, and i got past my separation anxiety from leaving the heated bed, we wandered back into the quiet room for a glass of water. then onto the steam room. HEAVEN. heaven. i had it all to myself, it smelled of eucalyptus. i was rubbed, calmed, steamed and happy. (even better is coming out of the locker room to find that your lovely bf has paid and tipped!) as you reluctantly leave the spa - there was a kick ass spa store. candles, hair, skin, make-up - products galore. a dangerous place for a junkie like me - but i made it out relatively unscathed... and a buttery mush from the experience. if you are anywhere near a Blue Mercury Spa - i most most highly recommend running inside. full speed. you can slow down once you're in there.
pretty much - a perfect way to spend a day in a blizzard. or any other day for that matter.
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