it has come to my attention that there is a distinct possibility i should never allow myself to enter a jewelry store. lord knows the shoes and bags are bad enough, but the way my mind gets fixated on jewelry could be studied by scientists. on a cloudy day on the beach holiday, i made the mistake of going in. the result is that i seem to have these sugarplums dancing through my head on a non-stop loop. (occasionally interrupted when i distract myself with some other delight in a magazine) there were a load of other things in the shop but these little David Yurman yum-yums seem to be the ones that remain in my mind. i will not beat myself up too much about it, because after all i am a lady. and it is a proven fact that we like pretty, shiny things. now, if i can just get money to start growing on trees...
i recently held a 300,000 yellow diamond in my hand. i met a jewelry store owner in South Dakota last summer and he comes to NYC once in a while to meet with the bearded men. you should come out to dinner next time he's in town. he always invites me AND a friend. and maybe he'll have his inside fanny pack on him with glistening jewels for us to fondle.