i do love myself some Missoni. a couple of years ago i went on one of my fashion benders, wherein i become enamored of a particular designer and BUY. major hunting. shops and interwebs. i crawl them all in the search for what i desire. a dress here, a sweater there, a few scarves (i enjoy piling them on in the chill)... mind you this was M Missoni - the baby label. equally lovely - less punishing on the pocket. love every piece.
it never left - but the obsession did wane a bit... howevs, seems now it's come back. watering at the mouth would be a good way to describe the way i feel about these knit leggings. like someone crawled in my brain, picked around and then knit it up. ULTIMATE comfort and warm at the same time. happy place. and then this scarf????? oy. in the fall /winter shows, they had the scarves wrapped and draped like snoods. (yep here we go with the old english again... it's a scarf, and it's a hood... it's a snood. real word.) drape it how you will - there is just not a bad thing to say about a scarf that long and warm and delicious. and this poncho takes me to an even happier happy place. snuggletastic, warmerific, cozyrageous. that sums it up. oh, and GORGEOUS.
thank you Missoni nutty knitters, for stitching up snuggle happy winter things.