how do I love thee?

you may recall me yammering on about how I am a teeny bit obsessed with Rihanna. hasn't gone away folks. often it's for her voice - LOVE or her face BEAUTIFUL. other times - it's how utterly frickin cool the girl is. she dresses a little oddly sometimes - which is brilliant. she puts on what she loves and she WEARS it. that my dears is style in a nutshell. this little number here - not odd - just perfect. the Stella McCartney boots can look a bit whorish on a lot of people - but she does them just right. and the dress? I can't get enough of it. the grey sweater dress is my dream come true for fall and winter days. Christopher Kane at Topshop and Alexander Wang rocked the grey sweatshirt/sweater theme to my joy and delight - and now this dress?!? it's like Willy freakin Wonka. I love it and I love it hard. I'm scouring and hunting to find out who makes this thing. and I will succeed. no fails here girls. cold weather - you don't scare me now. thank you Rihanna for taking the edge off the impending chill.
again, brilliant analysis. i love you e-stylist!!!! -shives