as a little girl i read books voraciously about princesses and fairies and goblins (my absolute favorite book - the princess and the goblin). castles with secret rooms, secret passages to secret gardens with labrynths and mazes - that formed the foundation of me. (add to this the annual summer trips to England to see the family - where there are real castles - dots connected)
back to now. as i have mentioned often, i see dressing as costuming. style reflects what you are feeling on the inside - it reflects your ideas and turns it inside out for the world to see. it is fun. every once in a while i get stuck with a theme. and it shows up in what i wear. about 2 years ago, i fell in love with the show The Tudors. fell. in. love. and it re-awakened my obsession with Elizabeth I. (and yes i watched the sublime Cate in both movies. my heaven.) obliquely connected to that i became obsessed with pirates. (you know - go plunder and bring me the riches of the bastard country that betrayed my third cousin 15 years ago, and so on)
i began braiding my hair all the time (and YES this was before it was "boho" to do it. i was doing it for princess reasons, thank you very much). i got a necklace with a tiny silver sword. i got some foldover knee high boots that felt very piratey. in short - i channeled my inner pirate and put a princess spin on it.
this is a rather long winded way of describing my LOVE of this Prada dress. every time i see the dress (or the coat in the same brocade fabric) it kills me. i love it so much it hurts. the likelihood of me ending up with the exact dress is slim... you know, self employed, recession, blah blah blah. but you can bet your sweet ass i am going to end up with something gorgeous and brocade, and i am going to braid up my hair and put on some boots and rock a slightly new version of my run-away elizabethan pirate princess.
and you know, if you feel more lady like, wear some brocade with some lovely pumps and well coiffed hair, and nice red lips. very proper, still gorgeous! you can style something in any way you feel - whatever is you. oh style i love you so...
deb, with every post i read, i've been falling more and more in love with you. but now that i know you love the tudors as much as i do, i think i may need to start stalking you.