so, the fact that a certain friend,of mine named Juniper Rose, with a certain amazing jewelry line called Falconiere, has her stuff on the pages of Vogue... that my friends, in a word, AMAZING. ok more than one word, SUPER FANTASTIC. seriously? amazingtastic. check out the 2nd model from the left - she is bedecked in the gorgeousness.
her pieces were picked up by Henri Bendel. so GO. try on...maybe buy, who knows? the stuff is drop dead amazing -- makes other pieces in its arena look like 2 dollar crap. i am blown away if you hadn't noticed. i will be wearing this magical stuff. and i will be posting more detailed pictures soon - i just wanted to get this good news out into the wwworld. (see what i did there?)
Hooray for Deb Burton! How amazing you are, thanks so much!