i decided today at some point that i was desperately in need of a LONG cardigan. now, i must say here that i have (and have always had) a lot of cardigans. my friend kim makes fun of me and calls me cardigan lady. i have always worn them regardless of whether they were in or out of "style" at the moment. what i do NOT necessarily have is a nice long cardigan. the craving kicked in today. i guess the ac made me chilly. to add to this - i got the new JCrew catalogue in the mail. and inside.... the perfect perfect perfect long cardigan. i would style it completely differently than in this pic - i'll be puttin this bad boy over tees and leggings and jeans; belting it - wide, skinny, you name it; chunkin on the jewelry. i love it. i might have to get a couple of them...
seek and ye shall find my friends. the force is strong!
ps -also some super cute bags and jewelry going on in the JCrew right now! check it out!!!
i know i'm treading on stalker mode but this is a true story... last night on my way home from work, i stopped at the mall with the intention of buying a dress i've been coveting at anthropologie. well, the dress did not fit me right and i was ready to go home sad and empty handed when i walked by j crew. there in the window... i saw it... the long cardigan i've been looking for. $89 later, i went home and as usual, surfed the net while watching buffy reruns. that when i saw this post and was completely floored! this must be a sign... i am meant to be your stalker!