there is something about London girls' style... before the world was all contained inside computers it was more drastic a difference, but even now, they are just a little bit ahead of the curve. they are edgy and cool. they have the LA messy gorgeous casual mixed in with the NY slick - shaken, not stirred, into the perfect style cocktail. the quintessential example of this is the one and only
Kate Moss. the woman just has it NAILED. there have been other "style icons" that the mags try and put upon us - but this girl just has it down. so it seems only logical that after a matter of time, she would design. she did a collection for Topshop (ah Topshop - i have waxed on i know, but i could again easily. just saying the word transports me in my mind to Oxford tube station - and the first glimpse of Topshop just across the street...) last year - and there were some very cute pieces - but nothing that rocked my world to the point where i felt the need to spend... this
season's collection however, i feel it will most likely loosen my purse strings. the collection comes out soon - and lord knows it will go FAST. like hotcakes, as they say. hot fashion cakes. there are some "preview" pics online at the website, and i'm loving them a bit...in particular this little number, and the floaty butterfly piece... Kate, once again, you have done it right.
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