what is shocking to me here is not the outfits... it's that i am posting about a Hilton. albeit, the classier of the 2. and cuter. i hereby vow to thee, my stylies, that i shall never blog about the other one.
(i hereby vow too, that i will never EVER post about anyone involved now or before on a tv show that rhymes with "the schmills". i will take other vows but that's it for now)
anyhoo. this girl is a cute little dresser. i can't help it. i'm just a big fan of throwing a few cute and simple pieces together, and i love when someone does it well. and Nicky Hilton just does. they don't have to be pricey pieces - and you can do the whole "high/low" thing. mix it up.
i've said it before and i shall say it again. style is about expressing yourself. what you feel in the moment. get dressed in the morning like you're making something. it's good clean fun.
if you happen to have any stylie obsessions, be they trend or celeb -- email me--perhaps it will make it into the blog-o-shpere! deb@theestylist.com
Great style, its really nice. FABULOUS!