i'm a lover, not a fighter. i love to love. and i love pretty things. sigh. there's a lot of love there!
with that in mind let us wander to the loveliness of Halle Berry. once again looking completely gorgeous, seemingly without trying very hard. luxe-hippie gorgeous. of course it's easy when you look like her - but even if you don't - if you throw a few simple items together in the right way - it's perfection.
i love the dress, i love the bag, and as my bf would note "you really love those shoes don't you?". i do. i own several pairs. i lusted after the first pair for about a year, they were Prada, and there was no way i could afford them. so i stalked them. and i found them on ebay thank you very much. i have had them re-soled, mended, and i will continue to forever. i LOVE them. as a far more affordable option, Bernardo makes a perfect pair of these shoes (the style is named "milly") if you are so inclined. they are just flat out (pardon the pun) sexy in their barely-there-ness. love, love love.
LOVE the dress. Do you know who? Gen