by nature, by birth, i was not an organized person. my thoughts tend to scatter, and my objects always seemed to follow... and then, i met my bf. he is one of the most organized humans i have ever come across. i'm sure there was horror in his heart the first time he saw the closet in my old downtown apartment... but he has taught me well, and like an organizing Buddha, he has led me along the path to enlightenment. i ate the lotus.
when you organize your closet and your drawers - you can find your stuff in a wildly short amount of time. who knew?! and as a bonus, each time you open a drawer or your closet, you see something and you can think "hey i LOVE that!" and wear it. it's like shopping - but it's totally free, and you don't have to leave home. brilliant.
when we moved uptown (yep - i am now an "uptown girl". it's official. i love it up here), my bf built for me the closet of my dreams. sometimes i just stand there and look at it. it makes me happy. it's the little things in life, my stylies... you can buy these organizing systems to fit any closet - i got mine at Home Depot, and i cannot recommend these things highly enough if you are in the "less than naturally organized" category with me. it has changed me into an organizing machine. in addition, you can also buy little organizing doo-dads at places like Bed, Bath and Beyond, and Ikea, even your local hardware store, to make your drawers or closets impeccable. last but not least, there's the tried and true "roll it up" method i have come to love. it lets you see every item, where as stacking, the poor things at the bottoms of piles never see the light, and you forget you own them and they are never worn. it's cruelty to clothing.
all these things are inexpensive ways to make things easier. add to that the feeling of shopping free in your own closet -- what's not to love?
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