there are bags that are cute, there are bags that are useful. but the only ones i want are the ones that make me feel kind of oogly inside. i have bought one bag out of necessity recently, to "match" things to go to a wedding, and it kind of annoyed me, even though i do like the bag. i have bought totes, to lug around the crap that every girl seems to accumulate, but that too annoys me. basically i've been carrying the same bag in one of 3 colors for the last 5 years. i love them, they're gorgeous bags that i will have forever, but i felt like something new needed to happen...
and then - there was this little beauty on the left... i saw it in a few magazines, the love crept in, it grew, and i began the hunt. it's made by J.J. Winters. it's gorgeous leather and perfectly boho, which floats my little boat just right. their site does not sell, so a good bit of interweb scouring later, i had located it, 30% off for a 4th of July sale at a little boutique-y site ivyblue. God bless America, even though i'm British, i still feel the love.
um, you are brilliant. seriously, i need look no further for stylin' guidin'. i love everything you say and how you say it. THANK YOU for putting all your wisdom (when it comes to style and products that is, as you have much wisdom about so many subjects...) in one place. you rock. xo shives