i seem to be experiencing a bit of a hard time getting my brain to return to "normal" after a week on the beach... so in an effort to ease the transition - i'm going to do a beach-stylie post.
let us just bask for a moment in the gorgeousness that is this woman, the lovely Eva Mendes. as you may or may not notice - i use the term WOMAN. this is not a girl - this chica is a woman from top to toe and she is workin' it. i was cruising through a load of celeb-frolicking-on-the-beach pics, and two things struck me. one - i wish i could go to malibu all the time and frolic. and two - about 94.35% of the pics are of little stick figures with lollipop heads and disproportionate boob jobs wearing bikinis. i'm assuming most of us are not that person.
and then i happened upon this fine lady here.
this is an homage to the body of woman. granted, she has a bangin bod. but it is a womanly bod, with curves and meat on it. and she is in a bikini not hiding it, and she looks amazing. i've always had a little girl crush on Eva. she is 100% female, in all its glory.
so - a battle cry to all ye women. love the curves, hit the beach, and let your lady flag fly!
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