a few years ago i got into a Levi's kick. and i still hold fast and true to my love of Levi. one style in particular fits me perfectly - the low rise skinny (531). love them. but sometimes a girl craves a little designer jean flare, n'est-ce pas? and so i ventured forth on a quest that lasted years. sadly, every single designer i tried, every one - made me either look like a sausage squeezed into a too snug tube, or made me lose my bum entirely. we're talking flat as a flapjack. either way, NOT good.
i then read about Paige denim. i don't really remember the article or blurb particularly striking me in the moment. it did not spark in me my hunting instinct, but it did apparently lodge in my subconscious. some time later i found myself at Bergdorf Goodman, waiting on a friend to have high tea. she had found herself stuck in a meeting, so i had an hour to kill. i wandered to the lust-worthy 5th floor, thinking i'd cruise the shoes... but i found myself in the midst of jeans. the first thing i saw was Paige - and i thought "hey, why not check this out?". i pulled a few sizes and styles, got secured into my little dressing room - and suddenly my world was transformed. you see, i am a girl who wears jeans almost every day in the fall, winter and spring. i live in jeans, i love jeans. jeans are my uniform. and suddenly - i was looking at myself in jeans that gave me a pleasingly plump posterior. my personal favorite styles are the Blue Heights skinny and the Laurel Canyon, but i will keep on trying what comes next... i'm a fan for life.
i didn't purchase in the moment, i got distracted by the tea. so i went home afterward and started up the old hunt on the web. some scouring later, i had secured two pairs, and on sale no less. they do sell on their site, and they are also sold at loads of other sites, and in loads of stores. they're nice and easy to find. these babies are well worth the full price - they are magical. but they also do go on sale from time to time. i do suggest trying on each pair, the styles i have tried, i vary in sizing. but they really are amazing. this lovely woman Paige is more about fit than fad - and that is a rock solid idea in a slippery word . and now i look like i have a rock solid bum!
Paige - i thank thee.
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